Littering by CITY=Castro Valley

Tossing out trash from car on off-ramp8/6/2013 7:53:11 AM8/6/2013
7:25 AM
United StatesCACastro ValleyRedwood Road94546CadillacSedanGrey6PPE199
Seems to toss litter out the window of his car at the same address - twice!9/23/2013 8:02:29 AM9/21/2013
12:42 PM
United StatesCaliforniaCastro ValleyAlmond Rd94546HondaCRVBlue6VYD856
Seems to toss litter out the window of his car at the same address - twice!9/23/2013 8:03:37 AM8/23/2013
10:40 AM
United StatesCaliforniaCastro ValleyAlmond Rd94546HondaCRVBlue6VYD856
Red cup12/23/2015 9:05:26 AM12/23/2015
7:45 AM
United StatesCaliforniaCastro ValleyChevroletGold53006V1
A man threw banana peel out the car window at a light3/17/2016 1:46:48 PM3/17/2016
7:45:00 AM
United StatesCACastro ValleyHeyer Avenue94546DodgeDartGray7AZX136
Constant litter in front of their house8/26/2016 9:10:02 PM8/26/2016
9:04:30 PM
United StatesCaCastro valleyTyee st94546
Threw a an empty bag of chips out the window.9/11/2017 6:15:15 PM9/11/2017
6:13:15 PM
United StatesCaliforniaCastro ValleyChevroletBlazerWhite3VUP086
lit cigarette11/26/2017 9:29:34 AM11/25/2017
1:00 PM
United StatesCaliforniaCastro ValleyCrow Canyon94552white7UPS858
A plastic cup was thrown out of an SUV on I 5809/23/2018 12:56:06 PM9/23/2018
12:41:52 PM
United StatesCalifornia Castro valley I580 West 94541DodgeDurango Blue4WGU877
Blue Honda Civic tossed out watermelon skin twice at least I saw 6/15/2019 5:22:32 PM6/15/2019
5:15:13 PM
United StatesCalifornia Castro ValleyHighway 580 west between Dublin and Castro valleyHonda CivicNot sureBlue or gray7UXW127